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Mentre sono ancora al lavoro sulle sezioni dedicate alle future uscite sul loro online store, alla White Wolf si sono perlomeno decisi a postare l’elenco delle prossime uscite sul loro forum aziendale.

Ecco l’elenco complessivo di tutte le uscite previste per l’anno corrente, lista che ovviamente potrebbe essere soggetta a cambiamenti.

1st Quarter (January – March)
MtA: Seers of the Throne $31.99
VtR: Night Horrors: Immortal Sinners $32.99
HtV: Night Stalkers $31.99
VtR: The Beast that Haunts the Blood (Nosferatu) $19.99

2nd Quarter (April – June)
EVE: Conquests Boardgame $74.99
CtL: Dancers in the Dusk $27.99
HtV: Spirit Slayers $31.99
Scion Companion $31.99
Ex SAS: Disease of the Evil Conscience $6.99
HRG AP: Collection of Horrors $1.49 (single file)/$19.99 (subscription)
WoD: Armory Reloaded $29.99
Exalted Art Book $39.99
VtR: Ancient Mysteries $32.99
MtA: Summoners $31.99
Ex: Infernals $31.99
Scion SAS: Wolfsheim $6.99
VtR: Ancient Bloodlines $34.99
WoD: Immortals
HtV SAS: Blood Drive $6.99
VTES: Ebony Kingdom Launch Kit $299.99
VTES: Ebony Kingdom Booster Display $107.64
VTES: Ebony Kingdom Booster Pack $2.99
Ex: Malfeas $24.99
MtA: Tarot $34.99
WoD: Ready-made player characters $6.99 (per game line)
METR SAS: City in the Sand $8.99
VtR: Testament of Longinus $7.99

3rd Quarter (July – September)
VtR: Night Horrors: Wicked Dead $27.99
CtL: Swords at Dawn $27.99
Geist: The Sin-Eaters $34.99
Ex: Scroll of Heroes $24.99
WtF: Night Horrors: Wolfsbane $27.99
CtL: Goblin Markets $6.99
MtA SAS* $6.99
WoD: Proverbial Monsters
VtR SAS* $6.99
Ex: Glories of the Most High
Geist SAS* $6.99

4th Quarter (October – December)

Book of the Dead $29.99
Ex: Alchemicals $29.99  
MtA: Night Horrors: Unbidden $27.99

* titolo provvisorio

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